Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thank you, Nicolas Sarkozy.

The G20 Economic Summit is currently going on in Pittsburgh. I am in Marietta; classes were cancelled for the week. As I was heading out of town on Tuesday, the city was already starting to get crazy. The protestors were out and police were in their riot gear.

The G20 is a big deal for the city. We've spent the last month beautifying town: everything from trash clean ups on the South Side to the complete renovation of the Hilton. The city looks great, everyone is proud.

My grandmother who has lived in Pittsburgh her entire life, is especially excited for all of the visitors. She lives less than two minutes from downtown and is refusing to heed everyone's recommendations to stay at home. She is fearless and determined to go to town and see what all the fuss is about. I can picture her now: cardigan, button-up shirt, slacks, slightly gaudy jewlery and oversized sunglasses fighting through the crowds of downtown Pittsburgh. She infomed me that her goal is to have a protestor accost her. My grandmother has no problem saying what's on her mind. She plans to remind the protestor that America is the best country in the world and there is nothing to complain about.

This got me thinking, she is partly correct. America is a great place to live. Sure we have our problems, but overall it is a magnificent country. I am thankful to live here.

So for now, I can just sit back and enjoy my week of nothing, while Pittsburgh has its fifteen minutes of fame. Congratulations Pittsburgh. You deseve it.
Picture: protestors in London at a previous G20

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