Sunday, September 27, 2009


One word to describe how I feel right now: OVERWHELMED.

I have spent the last week basking in the glory of doing nothing. I went to parties with my friends, had dinner with my cousin, visited my grandmother, watched copious amounts of television with my little sister, and enjoyed a few nights alone watching One Tree Hill and Gossip Girl and eating raw cookie dough.

I now have to head to back to school. My workload is insane. There are papers to be written, on-line quizzes to be taken, labs to be understood. It's ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, I have no qualms about working hard. I love giving something my all and accomplishing it. But that's the problem I have currently, I am taking all these classes, but I'm not really sure where they're leading me.

It's rather difficult to be passionate about something when you can't really see the end. Everything I have ever worked hard on, I could see what I was working towards. I realized the goal. Sure, I realize that the point of college is to get a degee, but it's challenging to give your all when the goal is that broad.

I am rambling.

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