Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Run Run Run

Today I got one of those urges to run. Now, you must understand, this doesn't happen very often. Generally, intense physical activity is something I shy away from. I'm more of a yoga girl. Anyhow, I threw on a tee-shirt, excersise pants, my super awesome new tennis shoes and went for it.

At first I was just going to run in the Power Center, but since it was an absolutely gorgeous fall day out, I decided to run around town. It was marverlous. I ran for blocks and blocks and blocks and it felt great. Eventually I decided to take a side street and see what there was to find. Unfortuantely I soon became lost. The buidings were a maze and I was stuck inside.

I figured that my best plan to get un-lost was to follow a person that looked like they were going somewhere that I might want to be. I did just that. The man I was following quickly figured out that I was being suspicous. He kept turning around and shooting me death stares. I decided that I should probably stop.

I was still very lost, but I embraced it. I took my time and ran slowly checking out all of the buildings around me. I stumbled upon some pretty neat places. My favorite was this magical looking toy store that I spotted across the street. It was glittery and colorful and looked like the best place on earth. I made a mental note and hope to find it in the future.

I believe that I am also in a new movie. I ran straigh into filming. It was incredibly cool. There were cameras and lights and props everywhere. I did some research and it happens to be a new Russel Crowe film. Neat, huh?

An hour later I finally made it back here, got an overpriced strawberry smoothie, and called it a day.

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