Friday, December 11, 2009

"If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you must then have the courage to live it."

This was posted on the board when I walked in the room to take my psychology final today. I've been thinking about it since.

If you are lucky enough to find something that you love, you have to be willing to fight for it. To think that some people have found that something, but don't have the courage to stick up for it is a shame. I refuse to let that happen to me. Granted, I haven't found that something yet, but when I do I will fight for it. To have the opprotunity to find something you love, genuinely love, is one of the luckiest things in life, but you have to be brave enough to pursue it.

I now know the history of Lebanon and the importance of sticky ends in recombinant DNA, but it's things like that quote that really matter. The other things won't mean a thing, if you aren't passionate about the life you have.

That's my goal, to be passionate about my life, every single aspect of it.

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